

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

JMS Hockey League

Looking forward to my first JMS League game this Sunday and hopefully getting to know a few of my teammates over the 13 game season. Although I’m not super thrilled about the start times (anywhere between 8pm to 9:40pm (!) ) it comes with the territory if I want to join a league. I’ll be sleepwalking Monday mornings at work.

With 10+ regular JMS games under my belt, I feel like I know what game speed/competition level to expect. The teams were created for the best parity possible, but I am a little curious to see how that all pans out. Nobody wants to play in a league with unbalanced teams.

I should be all set equipment-wise, but I would like to get an extra set of skate blades at some point; the ones that came with my skates aren’t the greatest. Also, I think I’m going to skip wearing my action camera, since it tends to put a target on my back.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Highlight Reel

As a reward for landing a new job at new company I decided to take recreational pursuits to the next level and purchase an action cam. After doing my research I settled on the Activeon CX, which has a ton of great features and fit my budget nicely.
Activeon CX
Of course, the first thing I plan to do with the new toy is mount it on my hockey helmet and shoot some in-game footage (720p running 60 frames per second). Not only will it be fun to watch, it should prove to be a valuable training tool.

Not to get too off topic, but I'm also looking forward to wearing it when I'm fishing since it's also waterproof. I'm sure I'll also find some creative uses when recording our sons, perhaps mounting it to bike handle bars?

Anyway, it's supposed to arrive in time for me to get it setup/mounted to the helmet before my next JMS game on Friday night. I'm guessing it will take a few sessions to hone my video recording chops, but I'll plan to start uploading the "footy" asap.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Hockey Players Club

I recently joined and received my first order from Hockey Players Club. Basically, you sign up and select your tape and other hockey essentials to be delivered free to your door, either monthly or every two months. You also have the option of added extras like laces, wax and more.

My first HPC box arrived in only 2 days!
 It saves a few dollars and a trip to the store; which can be really frustrating if all you need is 96" white laces and the store is sold out. HPC also allows you to change your package selection(s) at anytime or cancel, so you can definitely try it out and see if you like the products they offer.

Contents of my first HPC box
My first box contained a roll of white tape, clear tape and some laces. HPC also included a welcome letter, stickers and a hand picked hockey card of Mike Modano (presumably because I live in Minnesota).

I look forward to them offering some additional products in the future, I emailed them to suggest they stock white and black practice jerseys. Why is it so hard to find white and black practice jerseys online?

Anyway, if you like to give HPC a go, click my referral link (below) and you'll get 20% off your first order!

20% Off your first order at HPC:

Friday, April 22, 2016

Feet Don’t Fail Me Now

Getting older doesn’t seem to have many advantages.
Yesterday I was at a Orthopedic appointment for some issues I’ve been having since I started skating once a week again. The main issue is that I have this bony protrusion below my ankle on both sides (see photo). I’d never noticed it before now, but it has become quite painful in my skates and much tenderness lingers for days afterwards.

That's not normal, right?
After doing some quick research online, I thought maybe I had an extra bone in my foot called an accessory navicular. However, upon x-rays and inspection by the doctor yesterday, it turns out that’s not the case. Instead, I have a very prominent navicular. For all intents and purposes, it poses the same symptoms and problems. It’s not an issue with normal footwear, however, when wearing tight-fitting skates it’s requires special attention.

In addition to the navicular, I’ve also got very flat feet. They couldn’t quantify the flatness for me, but to get an idea, place your hand flat on the table and then imagine that’s what my foot looks like. Arches? we don’t need no stinking’ arches!

Anyway, I’ve made the following changes/additions and so far my skates feel fantastic, at least walking around the house:
  • My skates have been “punched” in the area with the bony protrusion(s). Punching put permanent indentations in the lining of the skates to allow room for the bone.
  • I replaced the standard insoles with Superfeet yellow insoles. This gives me much needed arch/heel support for my flat feet while also distributing some of the pressure away from the navicular bone(s).

I won’t know exactly how much has improved until I hit the ice again next Thursday. The changes set me back a few coins, the insoles were $50 bucks. However, still cheaper than the $60 “prescribed” version from the doctor that were too big to fit in skates anyway. The skate punching was cheap, $10 per skate with the ability to come back anytime to get them re-punched for free.

High School Hockey Memories

Randy, Me and Mom ('95)

Me ('95)

Besides the obligatory team photo, there just isn’t many photos of me playing hockey growing up. The ones I posted here were both taken around 10th to 11th grade in high school. Take a look at those Easton Air gloves... those babies were highly coveted at the time. Also shown, my Christian composite stick - other prize back in the day.

Our high school hockey program was, to put it delicately, unique. For starters, we didn’t have our own ice rink in town. For that matter, we didn’t even have home ice rink at all. Everyday after school, we all piled into a school bus and drove 20-30 minutes to Mora to use their ice rink. Towards the end of my senior year, we started riding that same school bus to East Bethel instead. Regardless, not exactly fun commuting to practice every damn day. 

To make a long story short, by the time I was midway through my senior year I’d had just about enough. I knew I wasn’t going to play hockey in college and I also felt like I was sacrificing too much of my few remaining glory days on a fruitless labor. So, I quit. If memory serves, I don’t think I was the only one either. Regardless, my high school hockey memories are a bittersweet blur, as are most of my high school memories overall.

My JMS Experience So Far

Brett, Jeff, Me & Steve
Tonight marked my 5th game since joining JMS (Just My Speed) hockey. I’ve actually been looking forward to tonight’s game for awhile because Steve, Jeff and Brett all joined me. It’s one those instances where all the stars have aligned to give us the opportunity to play together, hopefully it won’t be the last.

Anyway, JMS has been a great way to get out and get skating again after years away from the game. Basically, you feel out a online questionnaire about your hockey experience and get assigned a level between 1-6 DOQ. Then you create an account and select games to play based on your level. I was originally placed at level 5, however, after playing a couple of games I requested to be moved down to level 4. Now that I've found my niche, I'm having a great time and the speed of the games has been spot on.

It took a few games, but the timing and flow of the game is coming back nicely now. I still feel that my brain is moving quicker than my hands and feet at times. Every game definitely has it's ups and downs. There doesn't tend to be much defensive play or back checking, tons of passing and a lot of unselfish playmaking. The players have all been very friendly (so far) and it's nice seeing more and more familiar faces each game.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hockey Experience by Bauer

Last Friday both Angie and I had the day off together while the kids were at daycare. One of the many fun things we did that day was hit the Neighborhood Cafe for some biscuits and gravy and cornbread pancakes. Another highlight was stopping into the “Own The Moment Hockey Experience” otherwise known as the Bauer hockey store next to REI in Bloomington.

From the moment you walk in it’s top notch, just think Apple store with every Bauer product, ever. The store is quite large, spacious and features much more than equipment from floor to ceiling. It also has a shooting area (synthetic ice) and miniature skating rink with real ice. The latter was instrumental in helping me choose the best new skates. I mean, where else can you get fitting by Bauer experts and then try them out on the ice moments later?

I ended up getting a pair of Bauer Vapor X500s; replacing my twelve year old CCM Super Tacks that were too wide in the heel gave me painful blisters. I’m really looking forward to trying them out at the next JMS game this Thursday. Speaking of JMS, I was able to get my level downgraded from 5 to 4 after the last session, which basically allows me to play more my speed. It allows qualifies me for earlier games at 8pm, rather than the 9:30pm crap I had been going to.

Steve also joined JMS yesterday and we’ll be skating together for the first time on April 14th. So, that means with Steve, my nephew Jeff and Brett from daycare we have 4 people. I just need to find one more person (Kris, if you’re reading this I’m talking about you!) and we could have an entire line!

Old Time Hockey, New Equipment

In case you couldn’t tell from the photos, a lot has changed in hockey equipment in the last 20+ years. The most glaring evidence is how large and bulky the pads the ‘90s were compared to today. It wasn’t just hockey either, people just wore larger clothes back then. I remember my pads and shirt were huge, and back then it was cool to “cinch” your pants up that you wore to school.

Times change and the new equipment provides much better mobility, breathability and comfort.
The shin guards are now tapered from top to bottom, the pants have zippers around the waistline and on the inner thighs to customize the fit. Shoulder pads are also tapered with considerably smaller caps on top. Finally, the helmet is lighter, more comfortable and adjustable without using a screwdriver.

Anyway, it’s hard to ponder how much better we would have skated back then if we had the new tech, but alas, we were all drowning in our equipment together.

So I’m taking my new equipment to task. Tonight I’m getting together with Steve and Jeff to play open pickup hockey at the rink by our house. I’ve also signed up for a JMS Hockey account (Just My Speed) and plan to attend a few pickup games when my schedule allows. JMS allows players to join games around the metro with other players of the same skill level and experience, you just pay for entry; usually about $15.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Player Introduction

“Sometimes when I’m doing something I enjoy, I’m having so much fun I feel like a kid again. Playing with our sons is one of them, playing hockey is another.”

I’m 37 years old and rediscovering the joy of playing hockey again after 20 years away. I created this blog as a way to share my hockey-related stories with friends as well as record my experiences, for better or worse.

I will post updates as time allows, focusing more on recording the experiences matter-of-factly than penning poetic prose. So without further circling the dots, let's drop the puck.